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Chicago, IL


Management of the bleeding nose can be quite challenging at times. Be sure to develop an algorithm that works for you. Start from conservative to more aggressive measures. Known your anatomy and identify the bleeding site early. Make sure to ask about anticoagulation. More to come on new studies with transexamic acid in epistaxis!

VIDEO: A humorous and educational guide to the management of epistaxis from Short,Sharp, Scratch Productions. 

VIDEO: A humorous and educational guide to the management of epistaxis from Short,Sharp, Scratch Productions. 

ARTICLE: An illustrated guide to the management of epistaxis in the emergency department from the British Emergency Medicine Journal. 

ARTICLE: An illustrated guide to the management of epistaxis in the emergency department from the British Emergency Medicine Journal. 

Key processes

Reassess learning with questions they should be able to answer 


Document your epistaxis procedure easily with this template. 

Document your epistaxis procedure easily with this template.